Parent Family Engagement Plan

Pasco County Title 1 School Level

Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2021-2022

Seven Springs Elementary School

Each Title I school shall jointly develop with parents and family members of participating children, a written plan that shall describe how the school will carry out the requirements mentioned below.  Parents shall be notified of the plan in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practical, provided in a language the parents can understand. The school plan must be made available to the local community and updated and agreed on by parents periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.

School’s vision for engaging families:

At Seven Springs Elementary School, we believe in fostering a safe, equitable, and compassionate community where we establish life-long learners.

What is Required:

Assurances:  We will:

Involve an adequate representation of parents, or establish a parent advisory board to represent families, in              developing and evaluating the “School Parent and Family Engagement Plan” that describes how the school will        carry out its required family engagement activities.

Hold an annual meeting for families to explain the Title I program and the rights of parents to be involved. Offer        other meetings/workshops at flexible times.

Use a portion of Title I funds to support parent and family engagement and involve parents in deciding how these    funds are to be used.

Involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program.

Develop a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, students, and school staff will share the responsibility for improving student achievement, and describes how parents and teachers will communicate.

Offer assistance to parents in understanding the education system and the state standards, and how to support        their children’s achievement.

Provide materials and training to help parents support their child’s learning at home. Educate teachers and other     school staff, including school leaders, on how to engage families effectively.

Coordinate with other federal and state programs, including preschool programs.

Provide information in a format and language parents can understand, and offer information in other languages as feasible.


  1. Involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of their Comprehensive Needs Assessment and Title I program. The school will jointly develop and evaluate the Parent & Family Engagement plan with an adequate representation of parents.


Describe the method in which parents were involved


The school advisory council, which is comprised of parents, teachers and community partners began to discuss the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and the Title I program early in the spring of 2020. As the Title I and School Success Plans were being developed for the 2020-2021 school year, parent input was collected through both SAC and PTA.
Date of meeting to gather parent input for Comprehensive Needs Assessment March 17, 2021
Date of meeting to gather parent input for this Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan March 17, 2021


*Evidence of the input gathered and how it was/will be used should uploaded to Title I Crate.


  1. Develop a school-home compact that outlines how parents, students, and school staff will share the responsibility for improving student achievement and describes how parents & teachers will communicate.


How were parents invited to develop or revise the compact? During a SAC meeting on 3/1/20 our school compact was reviewed and revised.
Date of parent meeting to develop or revise the compact March 17, 2021
What communication methods will be used between teachers & parents as well as school & parents?


Many classes will be utilizing Class DOJO to communicate with our families.  SSES a school website, a Facebook page and a Twitter account to share ways for families to be involved, and School Messenger phone calls are used to communicate with our families.  Tuesday Take Home Folders will be used as a weekly communication tool between school and home.  Parent newsletters will be used during the 2021-2022 school year to inform and invite parents to participate in their children’s educational experiences at SSES.
Elementary schools are required to hold at least one face to face conference with parents.  Explain your process?


Teachers maintain a parent communication log, which will also include face-to-face conferences and phone conferences.


  1. Hold an annual meeting for families to explain the Title I program and the rights of parents to be involved.
What information is provided at the meeting? 

How are parents notified of the meeting?

Our annual Title I meeting was held on October 26. During this time, administration discusses the Title I program and funding, along with our curriculum and instructional plan. Both at this meeting and during academic breakout sessions, parents receive specific information regarding curriculum and assessment plans for each grade levels, our school’s Success Plan, and our Home and School Compact.


Screen shots of our attendee list were collected and a packet of the information presented is sent home to parents unable to attend the meeting the following day. Parent compacts that were not signed at Open House will be reviewed during parent conferences throughout the school year.


Fliers are sent home regarding the event, a marquee message displays the event information, event description is placed on Facebook and Twitter, and a phone message is sent to all families via the automated system, School Messenger.

Tentative date and time(s)

of the Annual Title I Meeting and steps taken to plan the meeting

 October 26, 2021; 12:30-1:00 p.m.


This meeting is planned in conjunction with our School Based Leadership Team, our School Advisory Council, and our academic coaches. Handouts are provided for all the information as well as the information is posted on our Facebook page and website.


How do parents who are not able to attend receive information from the meeting? The brochures are sent home to any family who was not able to attend.  We will also post the PowerPoint presentation and documents on our school website and FaceBook Page for families to view as well.
How are parents informed of their rights? Every year we send home the Parents Right to Know letter to all our families about their rights. Our parents follow the same rights as presented to all Pasco County parents. Parent rights are publicly displayed on the Pasco Schools website. School office staff and newly hired instructional staff members will be trained by the ESOL/ESE compliance specialist regarding the legal rights of immigrant students, registration procedures, and right to attend school. Training will also include the rights of a translator during a parent conference and the need to include our ELL instructional assistant in all conferences of ELL students.


  1. Identify partnerships that coordinate & integrate Title I and local/federal funds to provide opportunities that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children and/or to help support learning at home.
IDEA/ ESE Our ESE teachers and Student Services team work with parents to develop student IEP’s to meet the needs of their children.  They also provide support in other areas as needed such as helping with transportation, medical needs, etc.  


  1. Use a portion of Title I funds to support parent and family engagement and involve parents in deciding how these funds are used.



Approx. $3,000

Explain how these funds will be used this school year These funds are used to support our Family events such as our ELA, Math, and Science Family Nights.  We also purchase supplies needed for parent workshops throughout the course of the year and “Tuesday Folders” that will systemize our weekly communication expectations.
How are parents involved in deciding this? Parents provided input through our SAC, PTA, and Title I Family Breakfast focus groups in February 2020.
How did you document parent input? Parent involvement surveys will be conducted and documented after each academic involvement night. Feedback from the interactions with parents will also be documented. SAC minutes will also include input.


  1. Provide assistance, training, workshops, events, and/or meetings for parents to help them understand the education system, curriculum, standards, state assessments and achievement levels.
  • Best practice is to hold parent events that teach caregivers a new tip, tool, or strategy, that parents can use at home with their child to help reinforce what they are learning in the classroom.
  • Think of Family Engagement as a strategy to reach the goal of student achievement
  • Offer workshops, events and/or meetings at flexible dates/times. (i.e. morning, evening, lunch, Saturdays). Provide information to parents in a timely manner and in an easy to read format.
Building Capacity of Parents How will this impact Student Achievement?   Check all that apply.    

Title and Description of Event





Are they flexible?




Meal           Refreshments Childcare Translation  

How will this support learning at home?

SUP Goal (s) this Strategy supports


Curriculum Breakfasts


Parents will receive information on Math, ELA, and Science during quarterly Family Breakfast times.

Parents are given information regarding the math, science and ELA standards and engage in activities that address those standards with their children. September and November 2021; January and March  2022   X X X Strategies and take-home materials will support student learning and understanding of the Florida standards.  Curriculum and school resources will be communicated to parents in a way that they are readily available and easy to understand.  Materials such as at-level books, access to the Digital Bookshelf and coaching tips for parents will be provided as a resource. High-Impact Instruction
FSA Night  – Information regarding Florida standards, ongoing school-based assessments and activities to engage with at home will be provided to parents. Information provided to parents and stakeholders will improve home support and understanding of Florida standards. January 2022   X X X Parents will be provided guidance on types of question sets and practice assessments that can be used at home for students to gain understanding of question types.


High-Impact Instruction
Parent conferences with teachers and quarterly reviews with SAC of assessment data (included will be all curriculum areas, behavior and attendance). Teachers provide parents with their child’s progress and ways to continue to assist them. Accountability and communication of progress related to school-wide academic goal-setting. Conferences are ongoing through the year and SAC discussions are quarterly.       X Provides families with an opportunity to engage in a community-wide exposer to reading and connecting. Collaborative Culture
PTA Meetings and family events (dances, skating, movie nights), Fall Festival


Building positive home/school relationships results in the likelihood of student success. On-going throughout the year       X Parent engagement and positive communication/relationships with school-based personnel and stakeholders builds a strong community support for students. Collaborative Culture
Schoolwide participation in One School, One Book Emphasis in family literacy will impact our community. October 2021 and Spring 2022       X Parent engagement and positive communication/relationships with school-based personnel and stakeholders builds a strong community support for students. Collaborative Culture
Explain how parents are provided information regarding the curriculum, achievement levels, progress monitoring and assessments.



Parents are provided information surrounding the curriculum through multiple ways including: electronic communication from classroom teachers, information surrounding Florida Standards on the school website and parent newsletters that are sent home via paper copy and available on the school website.  Parent conferences occur minimally every semester and progress is also communicated through progress reports and report cards. Teachers highly encourage parents to come in for parent conferences throughout the year. Parents that are invited to our in-school staffings and/or School Based Intervention Team Meetings are given a multitude of student learning and assessment information.  Assessment data in the form of mini-assessments and formative assessments are sent home with students on an ongoing basis.  Achievement level data as scored on the FSA is also mailed home to parents, when applicable.
How will workshops/events be evaluated?

How will the needs of parents be assessed to plan future events? 

Families are asked to complete a survey at each event and then we look at the information and adjust future events as needed.
Describe how the needs of parents/families who speak a language other than English will be met at workshops/events.   For our population of ELL students and families, we have staff members who speak Spanish (including our Math Coach and ESOL IA) who will come to events and/or provide materials for them.
What are the barriers for parents to attend workshops/events and how do you overcome these?



Working to flexibly offer both morning and evening sessions for parents will allow family members to work around their own schedules (work, daycare, etc.) Prior notice, well in advance, will give the families plenty of time to plan to attend.
How are flexible dates and times for meetings, events and/or workshops offered?  (Give examples)



We offer Family morning breakfast events bi-monthly.   Information presented at parent training sessions. Parents that still request the information and are unable to attend on a specific day, will be invited to meet with any of the instructional coaches and/or administrators for the desired information.
How are the needs of parents with disabilities accommodated to ensure they have access to meetings, workshops, and/or events? Assistance will be provided for any individual with disabilities. ADA compliant parking and access to buildings is present.


*These events should be included on the Data Collection Sheet for School Events.

  1. Utilize strategies to ensure meaningful Communication
Describe the methods that will be used to ensure meaningful, ongoing communication between home and school



Information regarding Title I programs, behavioral expectations, School Improvement Plan and curriculum and academic assessments will be presented at our Open House and at our Title One annual meeting. Parents also received information regarding opportunities for involvement, decision-making for their child and home-school communication procedures. We also utilize our school Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as our school website.   We continue to utilize School Messenger, every Tuesday,  to send reminders and important information


  1. Educate and build the capacity of school staff on ways in which to work with and engage families effectively as well as the importance of parent engagement in increasing student achievement. Explain your plan for this school year. 


How does this help staff build school/parent relationships?  Format for Implementation:  workshop, book study, presenter, etc.


Who is the audience? Tentative Date/Time
Conscience Discipline Develop a common language around student conduct expectations that is used school-wide and when communicating with families Training during early release days and through book study and discussions All staff members Once per month in September through May
Social Emotional Learning


Increase parental understanding and environmental influences/traumatic events. Ongoing professional development during staff meetings and early release days All staff members Once per month in September through May
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support


Increase positive student behavior resulting in more focused academic learning Staff Meeting, monthly PBIS/School Intervention Team meetings All staff members All Year


  1. Provide an easily accessible resource area where parents and families can get information about the school facility, school policies, contacts, academic assistance, community resources and other materials.



Location of Resource Center/Area


Person responsible for monitoring and updating Resource Center/Area

List a sampling of materials made available in the Resource Center/Area
Front Office School Secretary and administration Head Start information, Title One brochure; informational sheets and brochures